Every One Matters' first San Francisco school Beautification Day event is a huge success!

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Every One Matters, in partnership with SFPD's Operation Dream, worked with the Luther Burbank Middle School and several community partners and volunteers on Saturday, April 13th to provide the school's first ever Beautification Day event.

More than 150 Luther Burbank Middle School students, Principal John Michaelson, faculty, and 80 adult volunteers worked together on the Luther Burbank Middle School campus on April 13th to clean up and beautify the school.

Among the volunteers gathered by Every One Matters were the Friends of the Urban Forest, who planted much needed trees, The Home Depot, who lent their expertise in a variety of projects, namely the more than 40 benches repaired and painted, Gary Perez and Craig "Boomer" Angove who brought their expert construction skills to lead a volunteer team in bench repair, and several other community participants. Last but not least, there were all the individuals who cared enough to take their full day Saturday to show the Luther Burbank Middle School, faculty and students that they care about them, and that they ALL matter!

In addition to the fine volunteers in attendance, The San Francisco Fire Department brought out one of their engines to show support for the event, while San Francisco Police Captain Dillon, Officer Lucy Clemons, Officer Walsh and team spent time with the students and volunteers in their show of support for the day's events. Officer McCullar and Officer Jamison supported the event in many ways, and one in particular was that they brought us 10 SWAP workers. Each of these men should feel proud for the work they did. They were an incredible asset and had terrific attitudes!

A very special thank you to the Home Depot "Team Depot" community employee volunteers who added color and expertise to the projects on hand, and to Starbuck's Coffee and Noah's Bagels for helping to feed the day's participants.

We finished the day with a gratifying look at the amazing transformation of the three play yards and front area of the school and the courtyard. Luther Burbank's Principal Michaelson, Parent Liaison (Denise Rueda), and faculty members happily report that all our work is in tact, and that the students are quite proud of the work they helped to accomplish in their environment. For this, we are thankful!!!